3 Things Pakistanis Need To Stop Saying

You should be thankful to the founding fathers of this great nation who enabled you to get birth in a Free Nation. All Pakistanis need to stop saying the following 5 things.
- There is nothing in Pakistan (Urdu Translation: Pakistan main kuch nhe rakha) :
This sentence is the No.1 root cause of every problem we face in our country. Our teachers say it, our friends say it, our relatives say it and even our own parents say it. Just for your information kindly review the following facts about Pakistan.- Pakistan is the only Muslim Nuclear Country in World
- 3rd largest English speaking country on earth
- Bigger in size then Germany, France and Spain combined
- Has some of the world’s greatest tourist attractions
- Produces some of the world’s youngest and brightest talents like 9 years old Microsoft Expert Arfa Kareem.
- Let me get my degree and I will move to Dubai (Urdu Translation: Bus degree miljaye tou Dubai chala jaonga)
Ok so for a comparison kindly review the following picture. The blue area in the picture is entire United Arab Emirates and Dubai is just a small part of this blue area. It’s like leaving a banglow to go live in a tiny room with 5 other people while sharing one single bathroom, literally. Not to mention the weather out there is far worse compared to Pakistan. Dubai over here is just used as an example, the point is not to leave a country which is growing exponentially both economically and technologically.
- What can we do alone? (Urdu Translation: Hum akele kia karlaingay?) This sentence is just wrong on so many levels that one cannot start to describe. The word ‘Hum’ means a united force. A united force can always over come obstacles 100 times bigger in size then them. If Quaid-e-Azam had thought such a thing, you and I would still be running for our lives. Following is what needs to be done.

Yes we are far from perfect and have a long way to go but it is only you and I who can help our beautiful country and nation towards a glorious path. Respect the place where you were born, respect the place that gave you a sense of pride and confidence to talk to people. Respect your mother land Pakistan.