5 Things To Admire About Nawaz Sharif

Not many people know the full summary of U.S Trip of Pakistani Prime minister Nawaz Sharif as it was soon over-shadowed by the quick visit of Pakistani Army Chief General Raheel Sharif but, here are 5 admirable things that Nawaz Shairf did on his U.S Trip.
1. Talked to Bill Gates about polio eradication, maybe the Gates Foundation will be roped in to help the government in the area. Side Note: Pakistan and Afghanistan are the only two countries left on the list of countries with Polio. Even Nigeria managed to come on this list recently.
2. Tried to attract German investment into the Thar Coal project thus making Germany a part of the CPEC. Side Note: CPEC is supposed to be an exclusively China centric project. However, some elements are raising concerns about the fact that China is showing reluctance and causing purported delays in some areas of this project as they want to be assured about the safety and security in the region. Pakistan is in the process of cleaning up Balochistan of militant elements, about which much more detail need to be looked into and this needs a separate discussion.
3. Talked to the Swiss Prime Minister and asked him to help with the power sector.
4. Showcased Pakistan’s prowess in the area of foreign policy (?) by stating how Pakistan’s Foreign Services Academy has been providing training facilities to the African and Central Asian countries (More on this later)
5. Stressed on the importance of private sector and businesses to make the CPEC a successful project while addressing Xinpang